maandag 22 september 2008

top 10 ten energy saving tips

Energy is becomming more and more expensive these days. With these 10 energy saving tips you can save up to 400 dollars a year. Some free tips that save you money with a little effort.

1. ventilate your house.
don't just keep warming up the house days and days, but let some fresh air vent trough your rooms every day! This way your rooms will warm up faster, and you get fresh oxygen in the house.

2. close all small gaps in windows and doors. do not close ventilation holes, and make ventilation holes in kitchen and bathroom.

3. use a thermos and switch off the coffee machine once your coffee is done.

4. turn of all sleeplights on tv and other electro equipment.

5. go for the cheapest provider, there is a lot of competition out there and probably you are paying to much. compare prices and check out whats best for you.

6. turn of lights if you leave a room

7. use energy saving light bulbs, they save up to 80% on energy compared to regular bulbs. they are not so expensive and very durable.

8. dont heat up rooms you barely use. a corridor, toilet or garage will not need to be heated, so close the doors.

9. do you really need the water to run that long? and what about the good old fashioned (and healthy) cold shower once in a while...?

10. wear an extra sweater if you are cold.

With these ten tips, you can make a big change in your energy consumption, and save lots of money at the same time!


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